Saturday, November 12, 2011

E-C-302. Research Methodology

Name- Patel Payal G
Roll no- 16
Paper- E-C-302. The Research Methodology.
Year- 2011
Topic- “What is Research ? Discuss its Characteristics”
Submitted to Mr. Dilip Barad.
Department of English.
Bhavnagar University.

What is Research? Discuss its Characteristics

                               Research is the sky for those who want to fly in the form of scholars. It is something novel and modern idea which now a days has been given much importance. The scholars can expand their knowledge and they can prove themselves the researchers. What is the simple meaning of research is to give any particular idea or work of literature, your own way of thinking, your views and opinions. Generally in research paper, the scholars write the abstract first, which is having all ideas but in compact or precise form with key words and which you elaborate in detail. Some of the research paper may have plagiarism and some of them may be extra supreme in its context. Research paper can be done by any student, teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc. the different researchers, through their different researches present different characteristics of it. If someone gets any survey for of various kinds of bikes, it becomes its research. But there are also some limitations for research. The revolution in the modern man in comparison to the ancient man, accrued because of research. They inclined towards scientific knowledge and it is nothing but the outcome of research.
                                   Man from very beginning strived hard to understand the nature and the universe. He observed the harmony everywhere in the universe and tried his best to find out the relationship underlying this harmony. This is how the scientific research was initiated. Therefore, perhaps, there is a close connection between research and invention but differs from discovery, which is also related with the research.

                                   Aristotle and Greek philosophers are the greatest researcher, as Aristotle has given his definition of tragedy and his views over it. So the researchers of that era opened up new directions of scientific methods for researchers. For example initially deductive method of logic came into operation and later on inductive method of logic came into practice. In order to eliminate the imperfection of these methods known as deductive – inductive method by combining these two. This is how a new era of scientific method was started. so from this we can say that the basis of scientific research lies in the deductive and inductive methods of logic. The intensive use of scientific research was initially made in physics and later on it was extended to natural sciences and social sciences. In this way the scientific research has played a significant role for achieving human progress. The advances in research in field of physics, biology, social sciences have largely contributed the creation of new knowledge, new inventions and new ideas as well as new methodologies to carry out further research in various fields. The modern research is not restricted only to the laboratories but it has reached to every part of human life. The scientific research has playing an important role in the progress of education and educational research.

Verbal meaning and definition of Research:
                              There may be different way of definition of research, but the meaning might be the same. One can, now, clearly understand the meaning of  research. The dictionary meaning of research is construed an invention or investigation or formal study or scientific enquiry or discovery. The formal meaning of research is invention or scientific investigation or scientific enquiry to extract truth. Standard dictionaries describe research as “Endeavour to discover new ideas by scientific way”, or “A course of critical investigation.”
According to Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, research means “ A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.”
                                   In short, what should we do first is to cultivate our mindset. We have to concentrate on text, event and all such things. The researcher should consider each and every text as an event. No writer writes in vacuum, so whatever he writes becomes his research, it may be right or wrong but what is more crucial is the writer’s own thinking behind his topic or subject. Ideal researcher must love literature for its own sake if the person wants to carry on the research in literature. It is said that there is total involvement but the researcher is having a kind of detachment from it. And his praising the subject is not appreciation but the researcher must prove it the way he writes his subject. Intellectual curiosity should be on the part of the researcher. His research should have precision of subject, and he should have the scientific bend towards looking at his subject. There is no margin of error allowed, so, the researcher should be very careful about this aspect. There is no need of drudgery but what is more valuable is a creative imagination of a researcher. He should have some knowledge of his subject so that he can give justice to his topic or subject. After all, it is said rightly that;
“Learning without wisdom is a load of books on an ass’s back.”
So, he should be well aware of his subject, and should apply his wisdom not the information which the researcher generally tries to apply to their subject. Research is like an occupation. It’s a neutral process. It’s a systematic and scientific process. The researcher comes to the solution or conclusion by the collections of data.
In research three words are important like ;(i) study
                                                                    (ii) Invention
                                                                    (iii) Discovery
The last two words require description.
(i)               Invention:
                 It is the application of an idea or thinking something new. For example, a new way of doing a task. It is an intentional activity, it a process behind any particular thought.
(ii)            Discovery:
                It is an accidental, unintentional and unexpected search for the first time without any problem.
It is the scientific study in order to discover new facts. It is correctly written,
               “Research is endless quest for knowledge or understanding
                search for truth. It brings to light new knowledge or correct
                previous errors and misconceptions and adds in an orderly
                way to exiting body of knowledge.”
                “The knowledge gained by research is scientific and objective
                and is a matter of rational understanding, common
                verification and experience.”

Some well-known thinkers have given different definition of Research, which are as under;

P.M. Cook-

e says that Research is an honest, exhaustive and intelligent searching for facts and their meanings and implications with reference to a given problem.

J.W. Best-

He writes that Research may be defined as systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations of principles or theories, resulting in prediction and possibly ultimate control of events.

George G Mouly-

He writes that a systematic and scholarly application of scientific method, interpreted in its broadest sense to the solution of educational problems.

F.M. Kerlinger-

He says that scientific research is a systematic, controlled emparcical and critical investigation of hypothetical proposition about the presumed relations among natural phenomena.
So, formal the definitions, we can give a particular definition of research that it is a scientific and systematic method. There are some characteristics of research, as under;
·       Characteristics of Research:

(1) Research generates new knowledge-
                                        With the help of research paper, the researcher can enhance the new knowledge which he comes across for the first time even. It gives new idea and improve the thinking process, gives imaginative skill.
(2) Research is a skilful, systematic and accurate procedure of investigation-
                                      When the police come across some new inventions with the help of investigation, same as happens in the case of research area. That the researcher can have an accurate process of investigation and with the help of this, he may find his subject completely appropriate to the subject.
(3) Research is logical and objective-
                                     The researcher must take the comprehension of the subject into consideration. The thoughts or ideas should be logically connected and it is objective, means it is detached from the researcher, once his research is complete. He is no more emotionally attached with his research. So, the process, here, is about being neutral for research paper.
(4) Research is a sustaining and unhurried procedure of investigation-
                                        Extreme hurry is not appropriate for the researcher but he should wait until he gets his proper link to his subject. So, it shows that he should first collect the data and then should move further in that direction.
(5) Research endeavours to collect and organise a data in quantitative terms-
                                          As it is already written, it is the collection of organised data which makes the research more effective and full of information as well as knowledge.
(6) Research requires courage and entrepreneurship-
                                            The area of research is not a game of a child, but it is very difficult task to carry on a research. So, it requires courage and successful selection of the research work which makes the researcher feel satisfied with it.
(7) Research is highly objective or purposive-
                                            The research is no more attached with his research and it is rather an objective process as well as purposive.
(8) Research requires rigorous standards-
                                            As it is said, It requires very thoughtful or accurate in appearance. The rigorous standards are high according to the different level of research.
(9) Research is a procedure of carefully representing and recording documents.
                                            The researcher also very carefully represents his research paper and other related documents. Researcher should be very sincere in his presenting the research.
(10)Research aims is extracting and generalising common principles.
(11) Research is meticulously and carefully planned.
(12) Research requires perfect accuracy in collection, recording and analysing the data.
(13) Research is free from emotions.
(14) Research is an objective process.
(15) Research requires neutral and unbiased approach.
(16) Research is verifiable and amenable to testing.
(17) Research is an inquiry or investigation.
(18) Research involves clearly defined parameters.
(19) Research explains and generalises the problem under study and seeks its solution.
(20) Research predicts the phenomenon under study.
(21) Research is a critical, systematic and empirical inquiry conducted under controlled conditions.
Above all points are already discussed in one or another way. It suggests the chief or main characteristics which are needed for research. There are many other forms of research area which are as under...
·       Educational Research:
                          The scope of educational research is very wide and it is also very essential in teaching learning methods and techniques and other educational projects in the field of education. It is very helpful and plays very vital role in improving quality of education, and with its help the reforms can be done in examination and effective evaluation and in examination and effective evaluation and in studying changing patterns in the learning and teaching behaviours of student and teacher who are coming from different parts of the society. There is one researcher named C.R. Kothari, who gives the definition of educational research;

“Educational research means the systematic approach
               Concerning generalization and formulation of
                         Educational theory.”

                              Again, the systematic and scientific method is the same for all kind of research works. There are many persons like sukhia and Melhotra, Dr. Pande, and Fredrick L. Whitney etc. give their own definition of educational research. Because of educational research, students can improve their way of looking at any work of literature, they can improve their eagle-eye observation, even teachers are inspired by such research works, they can carry on the research work and this is how they can enhance their boundaries of horizons of knowledge.
The educational research is also having some similar characteristics to the general characteristics of research. Professor J. Lahiri explains the importance of educational research, as he writes that Research in education ensures economy in efforts and actions prevents waste and stagnation and increase efficiency of teachers and their credibility by bringing vigour in their performances. In a way it is very helpful to those students and teacher who are really interested in research work. It is very helpful to them in their future also. There are three main types of literature which are given below:
                                           Types of Research-


Basic or Fundamental          Applied Research                            Action Research

       (1)Basic of Fundamental Research:
                         It is mainly associated with branches of basic   sciences like physics, chemistry and biology. Brus Tuckman writes it as nothing but the research which undertaken for enhancing scientific knowledge. Many others have also shared their views about this basic research. So, its main aim is to focus on the basic processes or phenomena of nature for more understanding. This research is having some characteristics as well as some limitations that it is very difficult to pursue in fields of education.
       (2)Applied Research:
                               This type of research is known as field research. There are less controls and not high standards of accuracy in this type of research. According to Dr. K.P.Pande “Applied research is mainly concerned with description and clarification of definite problematic situation and use of theoretical concepts for making predictions.” There are several examples of applied research, namely, school supervision and administration, class-room behaviour, education teaching oriented learning etc. Applied research is also having some characteristics and limitations like it is expensive in terms of time and money.

       (3)Action Research:
                                The idea of action research was put forward for the first time by Court Levin in 1946. The use of the word ‘action research’ was made by Stiefen Core in 1957. According to John Best, “The purpose of action research is to make improvement in schools and teaching procedures.” From this evidence, it is applicable that the action research is undertaken for teachers, principals or managements of schools. This research area is also having the characteristics and limitations like two others, and that is why these three types of research are related to one another. So, this is how research becomes the tool for the scholars in achieving some knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Payal !! Its a good assignment you have posted with quite good information. As I know it is difficult to get resources to gather this much information and make a conclusion. I appreciate your hard work and expertise.
