Friday, October 15, 2010

                   Assignment : Paper –v (B)
                              Topic : Translation of a short story from    
                                                English to Gujarati
                              Name: Patel Payal G.
                              M.A Part – I (sem – I)
                              Roll no: 32
                              Batch: 2010-11
                              Submitted to: Dr. Dilip Barad
                                          Department of English
                                          Bhavnagar  University.

  Translation of a short story from SL to TL
     Title of the original story – “Mother and Son”
     Source language – English
     Writer – R.K.Narayan
     Target language – Gujarati
     Title of the short story in TL – “hdy pirvtRn
               hdy pirvtRn                                                       
                   ratnu wojn caltu htu. ramu Jya su2I AD2u qavanu puru n kre Tya su2I tenI mata rah jotI htI, Ane p0I te`IAe lGnna iv8ynI rjuAat krI. ramuAe fKt Ae3lo j jvab AaPyo tme frI4I Aa vat krva ma>go 0o Tyare te guSsa krta roma>ck v2u lagto hto, Ane te`InI tena mngmta mudaAo rju krtI htI;ke te`Ina wa{nI 0okrI cOd v8R4I ]prnI 4{ cUkI htI Ane deqave p` sarI htI Ane teno wa{ pu*k5 dhej AapvanI tEyarI krto hto. ramunI ma 6rDI 4{ rhI htI, Ane te 6rkamma4I invUt 4va {C0tI htI. tee`InI gme te 9`e mrI xke 0e te4I ramu ne rso{ ko` bnavI Aapxe, tenu @yan kon raqxe ? Ane sO4I mhTvnI Ane tkrar vgrnI dlIl : Aek ma`snu nsIb lGn4I bdlay 0e. fsl je ha4e h5 pkDyu 0e tena pr nhI p` je ha4e 6Do pkDyo 0e tena pr Aa2ar raqe 0e. vhelI sa>Je ramunI maAe nKkI kyRu htu ke jote frI4I na paDxe A4va jo lGnna ]Lleq 4I ]dasInta p/dixRt krxe to te`InI tene tena nsIb pr 0oDI dexe. te 3/en nIce pDtu mUkvanu ivcarxe Ae phela te`InI tena +vnnI babtoma> v2u dqlgIrI krvanu b>2 krxe. matanu hdy 6`u b2u 2rave 0e p` matane p` potanI lag`IAonI sIma ho{ xke 0e. jo ramu {C0e to te`Ine qux xKyo hot kar`ke te`InI fKt Aek mata htI. te`IAe daqVyu hot ke tena4I wul 4{ g{ 0e. jote te`Ina lag`Ina cukada pr j{ rHyo hto to te`InI Aevu btavva j{ rhI htI ke te`InI kevI Alg bnI xkI 0e.
                                     6`I b2I tEyarIAo sa4e te`IAe lGnno iv8y rjU kyoR hto, Ane sa4e jordar kar`onI v8aR p` krI. pr>tu ramu Ae b2u baju pr mukI dI2u Ane xa>it4I te`Ina wa{nI idkrIna deqav pr boLyo. p0I te`IAe kHyu Aa 0eLlI var hu Aana ivxe bolI rhI 0u hve p0I h utne Aeklo 0oDI d{x. jo hutne ic>tama> jo{x to p` Kyarey tne ic>tanu kar` nhI pu0u. tu smje 0e ?
                                 ha ramu Ae ma4u 2u`aVyu. te co4I vqt teno m@yS4 l{ xkto n hto. te mhInana covIs ruipyanI p` nokrI me5vI xkyo n hto, Ane tenI mata AhI tena lGn ivxe ic>tatur 4{ rhI htI. te`e h>mexa Aevu mhesUs kyuR htu ke Jyare te lGn krxe Tyare te rI+yasa4e krxe ke jene te`e be 4I t/` var hINdI fILmoma jo{ htI. +vn xiKt vgrnu Ane nkamu htu, Ane ramu Aava tbKkama +vto hto. kaymI gmgInta Ane htaxana +vnma +vto hto. te tena smyno bgaD krto  A4va sUto A4va tena va>cn rumma jUna smacarpt/o vac>to.
                                    te hve tenI jmvanI be#k pr be#o Ane ivcarva laGyo. Tyare tenI mataAe tene Aek 9` ma3e joyo Ane kHyu hu tara cherane i2Kkaru 0u, hu Ae drekne i2Kkaru 0u ke je tara kovayela cheranI same bese. Aek St/I je mat/ ds idvs phela iv2va 4{ 0e te tne v2u mohk lage 0e.
Aa b2a p/karnI vato tu Ae3la ma3e kre 0o kar`ke me tara wa{nI 0okrI sa4e lGn krvanI na paDI 0e. te`e jvab AaPyo.
mne xu pDI 0e ? te`I qreqr nsIbva5I 0e Ane saro pit me5vxe ramunI mata tene tenI iqNnta, ]dasInta ne kar`e i2KkartI htI. Aa Ae iqNn njr htI ke jena kar`e te lokoma> i2KkaratI. te AsHy htu. te 4oDI imnI3 su2I bolI Ane ramuAe pU0yu tu Kyare cup 4vanI 0o?
                                   maru +vn puru 4vanI tEyarIma 0e. mataAe kHyu bhu j jLdI tu mne phelI Ane 0eLlI var cup jo{x. Aa3lo A2Iro n 4a ke tu mne cup 4va khe 0e, hve Aa j Aavvanu bakI htu?
   saru hu tne mat/ Ae3lu j khu 0u ke mne qava ma3e 4oDo smy Aap.
   Are ha Ae tarI pase jLdI hovu jo{Ae mara dIkra. Jyare hu jtI rhIx Tyare tarI pase pu*k5 smy hxe mara dIkra.
                                    ramuAe k{ jvab n AaPyo. te`e xa>it4I tenu wojn lI2u. hu fKt tarI pase Ae3lu {C0u 0u ke Jyare tu jmto hoy Tyare tu jra manvI jevo lage. te`IAe kHyu.
  Jyare ma`s jmto hoy Tyare Aa kevI rIte xKy 0e ? ramuAe pU0yu.
   xu khe 0o ? mata icLla{. jotu bhu naraj 0o. bIja ma`sonI jem kam kr.pEsa fe>kI d{ne tare jenI jrur 0e tenI ma>g`I kr. Jyare tu grIb hoy Tyare hukm4I ma>g`I n krvI jo{Ae.
                              Jyare tenu jmvanu puru 4yu Tyarbad ramu seNDl pherva laGyo. Kya j{ rHyo 0e? mata Ae pU0yu
  bhar ja] 0u, te`e to0Da{4I jvab AaPyo Ane Ajar xerIne 0oDIne bhar caLyo gyo.
                               te`InI idvsnI frj pUrI 4{ g{ htI. te`IAe woyt5Iyu saf kyuR, vas`o 2oya Ane tene lakDana kba3ma> sarI AevI hro5ma> go#Vya.zaDune qU`ama> mUKyu Ane rsoDanI barI b>2 krI.
                               fans l{ne Ane rsoDanu bar`u b>2 krIne te Aag5na rumma> AavI.te`InI tena dIkranI bejvabdarI pr ro8e wra[. teno dIkro Alg j Ane bejvabdar hto. AhI te te4I h4e5IAo woyt5Iyu saf krI krIne 6sI rhI htI. xa ma3e te`I gulam 0e?
                                  te`IAe lakDanu Aek qoqu bhar ka!yu Ane mo>!ama>  liv>g, {laycI Ane soparIno 3UkDo mUKyo Ane tene caVya p0I te`IAe +vn sa4e 4oDI xa>it AnuwvI. p0I te`e Aag5Iyo mayaR vgr drvajo b>2 kyoR Ane AaDI pDI.
                                  ramu Kya gyo hxe? te`Ine ic>ta 4va lagI. te`IAe c3a{ne va5I Ane bhar Ao3la pr tene felavIne sUtI. te qlel phocaDta ivcarone dUr raqva ma3e te potanI jat sa4e 7I ramnu nam ]Ccarva lagI, sItaram, ram... p>rtu te Aja`ta j boltI b>2 4{ g{. te`IAe ivcayuR ke bhar jta phela ramuAe xu kHyu htu? hu bhar fKt frva ja] 0u. ma, ic>ta n kr, hu jLdI pa0o AavIx. Naa Aevu n htu.Aa 0okro potana kayoR ivxe xa ma3e Aa3lo rhSymy hto? te AyoGy Ane guSse krnaru htu. p>rtu te`IAe tenI jatne kHyu; te`IAe potanI kDvI Ane w>ykr +w4I Kyarey sarI mavjt daqvI n4I. Aema ko{ x>kane S4an n4I ke wojn vqte te`IAe 6UUUUUUUU`aSpd vtRn AacyuR htu. Aa b2ane kar`e tenu +vn qrab bnI gyu htu; Aa vl`,guSso t4a stt bolvu. te`IAe Ae p` mhesUs kyuR ke jo te`InI tena pit same Ao0u bolI hot to kdac te 4oDa v8oR v2u +vI xKya hot... ramuAe qava ivxe Aevu j k{>>k kHyu htu. kal4I te`InI v2u xakwa+no smavex krIne saru ra>2xe. ibcaro 0okro...
                                        te`InI sU{ g{. Kya>k zalrno Avaj s>w5ayo, Ane te`I jagI g{. Aek vaGyo? te`IAe bUm lgavI ramu, ramu
                                      te`IAe tenI sa4e xu kyuR 0e Aevu te @yanma levanI ih>mt n krI xkI.tbKkavare te`Ine laGyu ke wojn smyna tena xBdo tene AaTmhTya trf dorI gya hta. te be#I 4{ Ane rDva lagI. Jyare te`IAe tenI Aa>qo b>2 krI to te`IAe tena dIkranI lax kukanhalI 3>akIma trtI jo{. teno nIk5I gyelo x3R Ane tenI 2otI tena xrIrne co>3I gya hta. teno chero Ao5qI n xkay tevo bnI gyo hto. tena seNDlma>nu Aek 3>akIna pgi4Ae pDyu htu. te`e jor4I cIs paDI Ane Ao3la pr4I kUdI Ane jUna Ag/har xerIma> la>be su2I doDI. te veran htu. vIj5Ino p/kax AhI-thI lbk zbk 4to hto. Tya4I dUr Aek 6oDagaDI deqatI htI. 6oDacalknu gIt xa>itne wedtu htu. ratna Ai2karIna isso3Ino Avaj tena kane A4Dayo Ane te`IAe doDvanu b>2 kyuR.te`IAe mhesus kyuR ke 0ev3e Aa b2u tenI kLpna ho{ xke. te na3k jova gyo hxe je qreqr svarna t/` vaGya phela b>2 4tu n4I. kukanhalI 3a>kInu ict/ je tena mnma> varevare Aavtu htu tene rokva ma3e te`I trtj 7I ramnu nam ]Ccarva lagI.
                                   te`Ine Aaramivho`I rat htI. te drek Alg Alg zalr sa4e jagtI. svar su2Ima> 0 var zalr vagI, tenI Aa>qoma4I Aa>suAo pDva laGya. te kukanhalI 3a>kI pase jva lagI, rStama> du2va5o wa[ 2Ime 2Ime caltI gayo sa4e psar 4yo, MyuinispalI3Ina sfa{ kamdaro temna la>ba savr`a sa4e VySt hta. Aek ke be sa[klo tenI bajuma>4I psar 4{.
                                   te 3a>kI pase phocI, te pa`Ima> jovanI Aek var p` ih>mt n krI xkI. te`IAe tene Aek beNc pr sUtelo joyo. Aek 9` ma3e tene nva{ 4{ ke Aa tenI lax ho{ xke. te`IAe tene ]Tsah4I bolaVyo, p0I te rDta rDta bolI ramu Jyare te`e te`InI trf joyu Tyare te`e pu*k5 rahtno &vas AnuwVyo.
  te be#o 4yo, tenI Aa>qo co5I, ma, tme AhI xa ma3e AaVya 0o?
  sUva ma3enu xu S45 0e.
  Are, hu AhI j sU{ gyo hto, te`e kHyu.
  cal 6re, te`IAe kHyu. te`I calva lagI Ane te te`Ine AnusyoR. te`IAe tenee pgi4ya nIce jta joyo. Kya j{ rHyo 0e?. mo!u 2ova ma3e ramuAe jvab AaPyo
     te`IAe teno ha4 pkDyo Ane x>ka4I kHyu, na, pa`InI n+k nHI ja.
     te`e te`Inu paln kyuR, joke te jra tenI x>ka ivxe mU>zayo hto.


·                      About this story:
                               This story is about one mother and her son who live together in one house but because of her bitter nature and behavior there is no harmony between them. As usual she is worried about her son’s marriage and she wants his son to get married with her brother’s daughter. But he is not ready to marry.
                               But one day a sudden change comes to her. And she realizes how cruel she is becoming with her son. Though the title of this story is “Mother and Son” I have given it as “hdy pirvtRn” Which I found appropriate to this story.
·                      My experience with this Story :
                             When I was translating this story from SLT, first I faced the problem was about some meanings of particular words whether they are appropriate to their context or not. So, first of all I needed English- Gujarati dictionary to find out the proper meanings of the words.
                           Another thing was that I had to read the whole story more than three times to understand the whole situation and the real sense of the story. So that I can preserve the real meanings of the words.                  
                          Then it was impossible for me to translate the lines word by word. So, I tried to translate the lines be meaning wise. Then I did not know how to write the story into Gujarati in the same manners or with some change. So, I translated it with my capacity of understanding.
                                    The end

                             Thank You


  1. Hello Payal! Well done! Translation, though secondary, is creation. It is evident in your work.The title which you have selected for the story proves that you have done close reading of the text. It seems that you have gone through the story for several times before translating it. You have tried best to preserve the orignal feel of the text.Though the text is not what it is in the source language, it is "her sister" in the target language.

  2. Hi Payal !! It's a great effort you spend to translate the story. It will be more interesting if you write some more text in "About this story" section. All over its a great job you did.

  3. you should shoot some light on your experience and give a critical essay on that.There was no need to mention whole Gujarati work in your assgnment but to justify your point at least give one quote.your experience should long than writing gujarati lines.your problem of looking for English-Gujarati dictionary is also good mentioned. be careful to your job.ok keep it up.

  4. Payal,
    Hard work is always rewarded. U have been devoted to studies, preparing assignments, it is reflected here. I am impressed by ur language and nice selection of topics. In two of them we have chosen the same but in translation u translated English into Gujarati, that's different, u have worked a lot. That's nice. I hope u will achieve the target u want. With Best Wishes.

  5. Hello Payal, Really you have proved to be a hard working girl. It is really difficult to type the whole assignment in Gujarati Language and you did it. But you could also have cited translated version done on your own. A Big Thank You for so nice comments...

  6. HELLO PAYAL ! You have done very well. Also one thing i want to tell you thta i liked the title of the story on which you have worked. But to some extent the discription which you have written is not sufficient for your assignment specially your experience of translating this story. You had to elaborate your experience of translation in more words.

  7. you have written very well regarding to translattion of the short story. you have presented nice examples of Gujarati story and that i liked very much.
    Be careful to your job.
    keep it up.
