Monday, February 6, 2012


Name- Patel Payal G
Roll no- 16
Paper- E-C-402: English Language Learning-2
Year- 2012
Topic- Computer Assisted Language Learning
Submitted to Mr. Dilip Barad.
Department of English.
Bhavnagar University.

Computer Assisted Language Learning

Computer has made Language Learning interesting and speedy.  The Introduction part says that in the 1990s computer got attention as an important tool for language learning. It became widespread support machine for language learning which made the learners involved in it. Then local area networks (LANs) and internet added feather in the hat of the popularity of computer and with its help learners started enhancing their communicative abilities. Its overall definition is, …..It is any process in which a learner uses computer and, as a result, improves his or her language.

To make the field of CALL clear, its background is also necessary and its background presents the history of CALL, how it became popular and how people found it necessary with some advantageous elements. When language learning through computer came into light in the 1980s and 1990s, it was considered as technological rising.  It has make learning as well as works of learners fastest and more powerful. For example, if a learner wants to present his or her academic work in the whole class, it is easy for him to present it through computer and this makes it more effective too. It also provides different software so that it becomes easiest and simpler one to use computer while discusses something very important.  And this is how learning takes place. Higgins and Johns (1984) discussed the issue of computer use. They wanted to make sure whether the computer was ‘master’ of or ‘slave’ to the learning process. They also raised the question like, Was the computer to be a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

The use of computers was for the better understanding of the teaching and learning languages. Communicative approaches (Krashen 1982), content-based learning (Cantoni-Harvey 1987) and task-based learning (Nunan 1989a, 1995b) are all improved by the use of the computer. CALL has divided many ways in communicative teaching. Technology-enhanced language learning was given a vast support by Sydney Papert in 1993 who is the creator of the computer language Loge and later on the principles of Dewey (1938) and Piaget (1950) to the use of computers were given. There is one theory named ‘Constructivism’ which involves the use of problem-solving activity during tasks and projects instead of direct instruction by the teacher. In CALL this theory suggests learning by using computer tools to discover simulated worlds, to make presentations and websites, and to undertake authentic communication with other learners around the world. This theory of learning helps to improve learner’s skills. Chamot and O’Malley (1996a) call this theory the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA). It directly addresses the need for the students and to their awareness of their own learning progress.

Comparison of Computer with other technological gadgets:

Computer always has been the super machine for all kind of tasks, academic activities, audio-visual learning, image learning and the list of names goes on. Now, students do not go for different devices to learn so far as the language is concerned, because computer is mixture of every needed material. It provides audio-visual system, it has various software which can be useful for language learning. Moreover, it also offers the correction system, so, when the learner writes something, it shows different error markers with different colors for different errors. For example, if the learner writes something about his assignment topic and there are some red colored lines under the words it means the word is incorrect and then the learner can correct it. Similarly if there is green line under the whole sentence it means there is grammatical error in that particular sentence. This is how learner can make his writing error free and at the same time he learns the correct word and grammar. This is nothing but a way of learning language. There are many gadgets like smart phones, iPods, radio, etc. but they do not provide this much packed sources as computer gives. It is also considered as a research tool as it storages the data, audio-visual files. Hence, whenever the learner wants to learn he can go for it at any time, even after a decade.

Motivation plays a very vibrant role in CALL. It improves his or her language learning skill. Sometime what happens, if the students’ learning style does not match with the teaching style, students find it boring and uninteresting and this is how they are less motivated.  Therefore, the proper use of computer especially for CALL is necessary. It has become a utensil for general skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing (LSRW).

The practice of four skills, grammar and vocabulary helps the learner to achieve the appropriate learning and computer helps in this matter. Here, some exercises are given below to prove this point in the favor of CALL.

Listening Skill:
Conversation One
You will hear a phone message from a supply company.
                                            Phone Message
For: Emily Chung
From: Sam Webster, SW Packaging Supplies
Re: Your order for____rolls.
The order delivery will be delayed until____. They’re waiting for an overdue____ to arrive from the manufactures.
They apologies for the inconvenience. If this causes any problems, contact____ department on 01424797999.

Conversation Two
You will hear a man leaving a message for your colleague about a meeting they are goingto attend.
Re: Project Meeting
Remember to take information on raw material and_____ costs.
Prepare cost breakdown for the bank’s_____ Manager.
Meet Thomas at_____.
Remember report on_____.

This is how the learner can improve listening skill by hearing the conversations and then he can fill the blanks. When the learner visits the websites like which gives same exercise to improve listening skill. Nowadays the Scope exams are also based on computer into which the learners have to complete each field of each skill.

Reading Skill:
Choose the word which best completes each sentence.
1.      Our new pocket PC is targeted_____the business traveller.
A.      at
B.      on
C.      with
D.     to
2.      One of the _____ to consumers of competition between companies is lower prices.
A.      benefits
B.      advances
C.      improvements
D.     profits
3.      People are_____ less on luxury goods than they were last year.
A.      buying
B.      purchasing
C.      paying
D.     spending
4.      The management are_____ a possible pension plan for the employees.
A.      discussing
B.      talking
C.      thinking
D.     deciding

This is how learning takes place. The learner come to know about the answers are based to its context and he can improve vocabulary and grammar through this kind of tests. Though it is possible that some ELT Practice books also provide similar tasks or tests but computer makes it quick. Only one click is enough to make your answer and the learner can make the process of learning vast.

Writing Skill:
You are making a speech at a conference and have received this fax from the conference organizer.
From: John Mason
Subject: Arrangements for Conference
Thank you for agreeing to speak at our conference. I have arranged for a taxi to collect you from your hotel at 8 am. Please could you confirm that this time is convenient and let me know what equipment you need for your talk.
Write a fax in reply.

To: John Mason
Subject: Arrangements for Conference

Thus, writing through computer helps in making correct fax without grammatical or words errors. Computer makes this process faster and hence it is convenient to the learner.

Speaking Skill:
The exam related with speaking tests is introduced in computers too. The Scope exams are based on learner’s answers which he gives by speaking the answer. The computer records learner’s voice and then the process of marking goes on.

There are some websites like provides the learner the testing of vocabulary. With the help of this kind of websites learner can improve his or her language. Computers with net resources are superior to any other resource of language learning as it plays very supportive role in it.